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evening fix

Here's what happened today: Sunday

Your roundup of what made the headlines.

NEED TO CATCH up? The Journal brings you a roundup of today’s news.


CATHERINE MARTIN 2A5790 Media Minister Catherine Martin Eamonn Farrell / Eamonn Farrell / /

  • Minister for Media Catherine Martin has denied reports of proposals to make 400 RTÉ staff redundant
  • The death of two young Irish men in Greece were confirmed
  • A man in his forties was pronounced dead following an accident in Cape Clear island in West Cork
  • Irish boxer Aoife O’Rourke won a gold medal in the Women’s 75k final at the European Games in Poland
  • Homelessness campaigner Peter McVerry said there is no evidence that the number of people in emergency accommodation will fall in the future
  • A man was charged with attempted murder following a “domestic incident” in the Kilkeel area of Co Down<</strong>/li>


roubaix-france-1st-july-2023-a-building-set-on-fire-by-protesters-is-seen-in-roubaix-north-france-june-30-2023-violence-continued-in-france-overnight-from-thursday-to-friday-after-a-police-off A building destroyed by fire in Roubaix, northern France Alamy Alamy

#UKRAINE Russia has launched a drone attack on Kyiv the first such attack in 12 days

#SUDAN Fierce fighting between the forces of rival generals is shaking the Sudanese capital Khartoum, as disease and malnutrition threaten the rising number of displaced

#FRANCE Hundreds more people have been arrested in France following a fifth night of rioting sparked by the police killing of a 17 year old


jack-mccaffrey John McVitty / INPHO John McVitty / INPHO / INPHO

All-Ireland football champions Kerry will face off against Derry and Dublin will play Monaghan in this year’s semi finals.

Dublin saw off Mayo today and Derry defeated Cork in Croke Park in today’s quarter finals.

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