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# Facebook

All time
Woman charged after duct-taping a dog's mouth shut and posting picture to Facebook
This Irish guy's mates are unmercifully slagging him because of his new hipster profile pic
This Irish guy's new profile pic was so hipster his friends turned it into a gas meme
This girl's Facebook faux pas is the stuff of literal nightmares
Man who staged car crash with partner then pretended not to know her is sent to jail
Couple who pretended to be strangers after staging car crash caught out on Facebook
A man who posted photos of his wife's dead body to Facebook is convicted of murder
This is how young most staff are at the world's top tech companies
Facebook shuts man's account after refusing to believe the name used is his real one
Facebook wants to end the nightmare of seeing everything your ex is up to
The lads from the Irish navy made a Movember video, and it's a work of art
"You stole the life of an exceptional being. The love of my life, the mother of my son."
This lovely photo of an elderly couple helping a young man tie his tie is going viral
Facebook explains why safety check was available for Paris but not other 'human disasters'
Mortifying, embarrassing, shameful: My history in Facebook On This Day memories
An actress’s Facebook post about cutting off her hair has this powerful message
The Irish government is easing up on its requests for Facebook data
Alanis Morissette sang a modern day version of Ironic and it was gas
Angry backlash after Irish pub in England refuses people wearing poppies
Belgian court tells Facebook to stop tracking non-members or else
Barack Obama has joined Facebook with a video of him walking in his back garden
Just how popular is Snapchat video right now? It now generates 6 billion views a day
Your personal data was talked about at the Web Summit, but it looks like you might have to pay to keep it safe in the future
Maria Helen Murphy
Woman has horse race winnings stolen after posting docket on Facebook
Were you on Facebook recently? You and a billion others...
Man who posted photo of his dead wife on Facebook says he acted in self-defence
This man took in 24 refugees and documented his 'disappointment' in a powerful Facebook post
Facebook has revealed how it will help blind people 'see' photos
Here's nine things you may do that make people instantly dislike you
Facebook needs to get rid of that ridiculous blue thumb, right now
Facebook will be killing off those annoying Candy Crush Saga invites
Facebook is being sued over posts that "encourage the killing of Jews"
Staying in this Monday? It's a good time to check your Facebook privacy settings
Facebook admits its app is draining your iPhone's battery
Privacy watchdog ordered to investigate how Facebook uses your data
There's a new kind of Facebook notification you'll never want to see
Man jailed for using Facebook to try to get sisters (12 and 14) to have sex with him
9 shady things everyone, EVERYONE, does online
The 7 differences between girls and guys on Facebook
This list of 'Things Women Hear In A Lifetime' is being shared like crazy on Facebook