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# Freedom of Information

All time
Staff at Garda press office split €115,000 in overtime during first year of Disclosures Tribunal
Katherine Zappone warned Tánaiste that using State funds for Pope visit 'undermined' work for LGTBI+ rights
'Moronic', 'odious', 'vile': How public expressed anger at Tánaiste's claim that Donald Trump is not racist
Bed bugs, used needles and rat droppings - life inside homeless accommodation
During the drought, some areas were losing half of their water supply because of leaks
Dozens of 'non-existent' emails between former Minister for Justice and PR firm discovered
Multiple allegations of assaults on residents of Irish disability services
Adoption scandal: Officials questioned whether telling those affected would 'do more harm than good'
'The deeper I go, the more concern I have' - Department of Transport worried over 'exposure' due to mandatory PSC
Politicians made nearly 5,000 representations to the Passport Office on behalf of their constituents
At least €2 million ploughed into PSC / driving licence project - before Shane Ross pulled the plug because it wasn't legal
US hospital tried to speak to the Children's Hospital Group before launch of abandoned Phoenix name
Cork hospital spends €30k on pest control after rodents were found in sink
'Laughable', 'a joke', 'cynical', 'opportunistic' - Zappone brought to task by parents over childcare fees crisis
'It's a TRACKING app, where did those four minutes go?': Complaints made about Dublin Bus
Assault, theft and drunk and disorderly: 1,762 Irish people arrested by Met Police this year
Read the emails sent to Leo in his first month as Taoiseach
'My seven-year-old daughter shed a tear': Enda Kenny received a lot of well wishes when he stepped down
Trump and Prince Charles got the most expensive gifts from the Taoiseach this year
'The minister is talking about the Man United game instead of the rail strike'
Gardaí working up to 100 hours a week for overtime payments of up to €68,500
'When are you going to bring in the army to drive the buses?': Complaints made during Bus Éireann strike
Multiple allegations of sexual and physical abuse against disability care staff
Woman has request to see changes made to her own data refused as database 'is blanked every two weeks'
'If you post one out I'll cut it up and send it back': The PSC has people both enraged and deeply confused
Nama employee: 'The request is from Mick Wallace so trying to close off angles of attack in advance'
Behaviour of staff top reason for complaints about maternity services at Portlaoise
HSE spent almost €300k burying people who were homeless or had no known family
'In danger of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory': How tension built ahead of Orkambi deal
Garda overtime bill soars to €60.5 million for first six months of 2017
€4.4 million paid out to staff of TDs who left Leinster House following the last election
Cockroaches, mould and chronic drug abuse in front of children - life in homeless accommodation
HSE misallocated latest request from sexual abuse survivor whose claims it lost for 3 years
Dept had concerns over calling people 'cheats' in controversial welfare ad campaign
Concerns raised that private health insurance patients are being 'bullied' by hospitals
'Like he slept in his clothes for a week' - no punches pulled in Dáil dress code complaints
'Undue fear and confusion': Read the emails Vertex sent to Department of Health about Orkambi
'Urgent action is needed': Letters reveal shock at discovery of human remains at mother and baby home
Garda overtime rises massive 52% as pressure of battling Irish gangs takes its toll
Wild animals, including monkey called Stevie Wonder, escaped at Fota seven times in one year