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# Irish Rail

All time
Woman dies after being struck by train in Kildare
Another train strike on the cards as Irish Rail unions vote for industrial action
Train and Dart services affected by fire
Broken down train causes knock-on delays on Heuston line
Dart from Bray to Greystones suspended due to injured person on the line
Rail services delayed as man runs onto tracks to evade gardaí
Irish Rail and Aer Lingus battled it out on Twitter and it was mortifying
Is this the new Minister for August?
This woman is marrying her 'Train Boy' - and they had a special journey this morning
Ireland's railways could be the next up for privatisation...
Connolly Station has a new sign and it's been cheering up commuters
Taking the train in the morning? Irish Rail has fixed the fault that was causing huge delays
Back on track? Irish Rail says train ticket sales signal resurgent economy
Irish Rail are trying to find a ‘wonderful’ young boy to give him this message
Irish Rail are trying to find a 'wonderful' young boy to give him this message
Poll: Have you ever dodged a fare on public transport?
There are major delays to trains out of Dublin - and people aren't happy
The Dart was delayed after a naked man got onto the tracks
Irish Rail is looking for a woman (several, preferably)
Why should commuters have to put up with trouble and danger on public transport?
Aaron McKenna
Anger as train passengers held up by fare evader who refused to pay fine
Would you have given up your seat on packed train to this boy's granny?
Pictures: This is why level crossing gates exist...
Woman pushing pram struck by barrier at level crossing
Commuters rejoice: Irish Rail launches rapid Cork to Dublin route
A wheelchair passenger has lodged a complaint with Irish Rail after being locked on a train for 35 minutes
We have to wait another six months to see garda records
Crossing gates held open with a mobile phone charger led to a train hitting an An Post van
Fancy a cruise but don't like boats? Five-star train travel is coming to Ireland
The Leap card has made a LOT of money since it was launched
Good news if you use the DART... There'll soon be more of them
Threat of national bus and train strike looms
Here's everything you need to know about business this week
Irish Rail and the NRA dropped by for our live Q&A
Irish Rail is fixing something that really annoys customers
The Hotseat: Got any questions about trains or motorways? ... Send them our way
Some DART delays after truck strikes bridge
Hiberno-English is part of what makes us Irish – so let's celebrate it!
James Harold
Poll: Do you ever chance your arm with your bus/train fare?
Ouch... Fare evader who stayed on for extra stops forced to pay out €5,000