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# Irish Rail

All time
Ouch... Fare evader who stayed on for extra stops forced to pay out €5,000
Irish Rail lets you put whatever name you want on your seat...
Trains from Cork, Galway and Limerick direct to Dublin Airport? It could happen...
Person struck by train between Portarlington and Portlaoise
Services suspended as body found near Cork rail line
Iarnród Éireann says there's 'no basis' for possible train driver strike
Cold weather fault leaves train passengers stranded for three hours
Are rail lines with low passenger numbers facing closure unless numbers rise?
After 29 deaths by suicide, Samaritan signs are going up at all railway station platforms
Red Rock, Eddie Hobbs, and "Al" Shatter: The week in numbers
Almost 2,000 applied. Only 13 made it. Meet Irish Rail's new apprentices
Number of people taking trains has grown for the first time since the economic crash
This Irish Rail train was completely decked out for Christmas
Going home for Christmas? Here's when the last buses, trams and trains are tonight
Today's top stories in 6 seconds
Why does the Dublin rail network always seem to fail in RUSH HOUR?
Sick of dodgy WiFi on trains and buses? We have some good news...
A luxury sleeper train will soon be arriving on Ireland's railways
Cork train station canopy collapsed after poles snapped in gale force winds
Another rail melt-down in Dublin: Passengers left in limbo for the second night in a row
Do you know which train station in Ireland is the busiest?
There were major rush hour rail problems in Dublin tonight
More and more people are using the train to get around the country
DART users face disruptions today and tomorrow
14 weekend transport struggles every student will understand
Irish Rail resumes services after man killed on the line in Wexford
Ireland's 'Best Train Station' has been named
Thousands without power and some commuter services suspended
A bridge lift is taking place tonight as part of work to close manually operated rail level crossings
Ballot of Siptu members on LRC proposals to begin next week
All-Ireland train strikes called off after late-night LRC talks
More talks at LRC today --- but train strike threat remains in place for weekend
I'm not intervening, says Minister --- as talks to avoid rail strikes begin again
"No progress" today, but talks to avoid another train strike will continue
Parachutist aims for Croke Park - but lands on railway tracks
Irish Rail and workers to enter talks to avoid All-Ireland day train strikes
These letters between Irish Rail and the NBRU show why more strikes look inevitable
Striking rail workers 'lose more in wages than if they accepted pay cuts'
Travelling somewhere? Don't forget, there's a massive rail strike...
Trinity College, cannabis, and going to the dentist : The week in numbers