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evening fix

Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday

Here’s what made the headlines today.

NEED TO CATCH up? brings you a round up of today’s news.


shooting scene 853_90571497 Gardaí at the scene of the shooting this afternoon Sam Boal Sam Boal

  • A man in his 20s been killed in a shooting in Darndale, north Dublin this afternoon
  • In the trial of two boys accused of the murder of Ana Kriegel, the court was today shown video interviews conducted by gardaí with Boy B following his arrest.
  • Fine Gael TD Maria Bailey has been criticised on the floor of the Seanad over a personal injury lawsuit she has taken against a Dublin hotel. 
  • Communications Minister Richard Bruton has said that a potential “porn block lawneeds to be considered but that privacy issues are also a concern.
  • Health Minister Simon Harris has said there are no plans to legalise cannabis in Ireland. 
  • A man has been jailed for nine years for a “hugely damaging” and abusive sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl.
  • The family of a teenage boy who was detained by gardaí in Dublin on Sunday evening has made a complaint to the Garda Ombudsman about the incident.
  • A man in his 40s has been found guilty of harassing four teenage girls on a bus, after telling them racist and sexist jokes before sexually assaulting one of them.
  • One of Ireland’s largest waste disposal companies has announced plans to grow its workforce by 100 new jobs in a multi-million euro investment. 


Prime Minister's Questions Prime Minister Theresa May leaves 10 Downing Street, London for the House of Commons for Prime Minister's Questions Stefan Rousseau Stefan Rousseau

#T MAY: British Prime Minister Theresa May has said that the Withdrawal Agreement Bill will be published on Friday.

#LOVE ISLAND: ITV is to offer this year’s Love Island contestants a minimum of eight therapy sessions when they return home from the show. 

#BRITISH STEEL: British Steel has collapsed after the government said last-ditch talks with its owners failed to secure a financial rescue.


To infinity and beyond. 

Dublin student Adam Kelly (17) is set to have an asteroid named after him after taking a top prize at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. 

fpk_181109_KAP1_299 17-year-old Dublin student Adam Kelly Keith Arkins Keith Arkins

Along with a $3,000 cash prize and an asteroid named after him, Kelly will also be one of 25 students attending the week-long Stockholm international youth science seminar where nobel prize-winning scientists will be in attendance. 

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