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File image: A Garda Recreation Club was closed last month after rodent droppings were found in kitchen, bar and carvery areas. Shutterstock/torook
Prime Numbers

How many food businesses received closure orders last month? It's the week in numbers

Plus: The tender issued for on-site fitness instructors at the gym next to Leinster House.

EVERY WEEK, offers a selection of statistics and numerical nuggets to help you digest the week that has just passed. 

€760,747: The average price of a home in Do4 in Dublin 4. Making it the most expensive eircode area to buy a home, according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office. 

5: The number of years that patients in Cork are on average waiting for cataract surgery.

€100,000: The cash prize won by American author Emily Ruskovich at the 2019 International Dublin Literary Awards for her novel Idaho. 

7: The number of food businesses that were ordered to partially or fully close after being found in breach of food safety legislation in May.

100: The number of sheep allegedly stolen from a farm in Co Meath.   

€160,000: The tender issued for on-site fitness instructors at the gym next to Leinster House.

€50 million: The amount of money paid out by the government through the Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan scheme in the first three months of the year. It had planned to spend €200m on the mortgage scheme over three years.

11: The number of years that the Dingle International Film Festival ran for before being forced to close this year due to a lack of funding.  

2: The number of years that Sarah Huckabee Sanders served as Trump’s press secretary for. Sanders announced she will leave the role at the end of this month. 

556,411: The number of patients who were waiting for their first outpatient consultation at the end of May.

257: The number of times that gardaí have used pepper spray so far this year. 

18: The number of hours of hacked material that Radiohead has released with the proceeds all going to support the Extinction Rebellion climate change resistance campaign

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