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# Eurostat

This year
Debunked: The number of 'illegally present immigrants' in Ireland last year was not 10 times the EU average
Last year
FactCheck: Does Ireland collect more corporate tax per person than almost any other EU country?
All time
Ireland ranks best in Europe for eating fruit and vegetables
The cost of food and drink in Ireland far higher than the EU average, new study finds
Only Sweden is more expensive for EU gas prices than Ireland*
By EU standards, Ireland is pumping out new babies
16%: Ireland's gender pay gap between male and female managers in 2014
Almost 20% of Irish people can't afford to meet friends for a drink or meal
Ireland's young people read less online news than any other EU country (but they love Facebook)
Ireland has the highest alcohol prices in the EU (almost double the average)
Divorce, preschool, and hospital beds: A snapshot of how Ireland compares to the rest of Europe
What's Eurostat's problem with Irish Water? ... How long have you got?
Junior Minister claims Irish Water registration is "increasing by the day" - but hasn't seen registration figures
Eurostat's released its finding ... but the government's sticking to its guns on Irish Water
Ireland has given out citizenship to more people than anywhere else in the EU*
Irish electricity is still ridiculously expensive...
Things are looking seriously rosy for the EU right now
House prices were up a whopping 16.3% in Ireland at the end of 2014...
Irish men are still being paid a whole lot more than Irish women
Ireland has the fastest rising house prices in the EU
The ECB will get radical soon to stop the eurozone going down a deflationary hole
Irish people have less extra cash than our European neighbours
Ireland grants citizenship to foreign nationals at a greater rate than every EU country bar one
Smartphones are actually becoming our 24-hour offices
Non-EU citizens register much higher unemployment rate across the EU than locals
If EU house price rises were a music chart, would Ireland make the top 5?
Asylum applications to Europe were up 29% in the first quarter of this year
Irish parents shell out for some of the highest childcare fees in Europe
Poor us: Ireland is less wealthy than the EU average
EU employment is struggling, with Ireland below average
There are 147,000 underemployed people in Ireland ready to work more hours
Asylum applications in the EU surged to 435k last year
Damien Kiberd: If prices are deflating, why are we feeling poorer?
Damien Kiberd
Report shows quality of life in Ireland above EU average
House prices in the euro area are still on the rise
Ireland spends less of its social protection budget on old age benefit than anywhere in EU
Ireland has the highest birth, lowest death and greatest emigration rates in Europe
Ireland has reduced the number of early school leavers, Eurostat finds
Ireland really is the garden of Europe, survey finds
Budget deficit for 2012 still inside Troika target despite revisions