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# posters

Last month
June 2024
'It looks like it was made on Microsoft Paint': We asked graphic designers to rate political posters
How effective are these posters? Are they outdated? Are there better ways for candidates could get themselves out there?
This year
And they're off! Election posters have started to pop up all over the place
Last year
Sipo clears Paschal Donohoe of complaint over undisclosed donations from businessman
Tánaiste questioned over Donohoe controversy: 'I’m going to wait to see what Paschal has to say'
All time
Election posters need to be taken down by midnight tonight
'Cruel and disgusting' anti-PSNI recruitment posters appear in Derry
101 problems: Election posters blocking traffic signals and obstructing paths in Dublin
Candidates in more than 150 election areas to go poster free for upcoming elections
Safe zone law around GP clinics offering abortions will prohibit photos being taken of women
Most Irish people want election campaign posters banned
Is it a crime to display graphic abortion imagery in public places?
Here's how many complaints city councils got about referendum posters
More than 150 complaints about 'graphic' and 'false' referendum posters sent to Dublin City Council
Today's the final day for referendum posters to be removed
'An attempt to suppress democracy': Removal of Labour's referendum posters reported to gardaí
Tidy Towns groups across the country are asking campaigners not to put up posters
Together for Yes crowdfunding appeal tops half a million euro
Expecting an election next year? Those pesky cable ties are here to stay
McDonald: 'Burning of McGuinness effigy on loyalist bonfire was a hate crime'
A woman got revenge on her cheating boyfriend by plastering these posters all over town
Campaigners says posters advertising pro-choice march removed illegally in Dublin
Will Dublin ban election posters? Maybe. Probably not. It's complicated.
Poll: Should election posters be banned in Ireland?
Fed up with election posters? One council is looking at banning them
Forestry minister's posters nailed to trees in Tipperary
Blocking traffic lights and parking in disabled spaces - the poster wars are still raging
Here's what our political parties have spent on election posters *
Youths cut down Labour, Fianna Fáil and Green candidate posters in Dún Laoghaire
Poll: Should election posters be scrapped?
The primitive power of election posters cannot be underestimated
Jason O'Sullivan
Fine Gael councillor's posters defaced with swastikas
'Completely different': Peter Mathews says he's not copying Fine Gael colours
It's been a week for political posters - and now Sinn Féin have had a crack at one of their own
Is this the first poster of the general election campaign?
Should we limit the number of election posters candidates can have?
Referendum Commissioner says he wouldn't like to see posters regulated 'North Korean style'
Are these posters illegal? Labour says they're not
The No campaign's posters keep getting defaced and ripped down
The 'Yes' campaign responds to accusations of pulling down 'No' posters
Marriage referendum posters are technically allowed to say anything...