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evening fix

Here’s What Happened Today: Monday

Man’s body discovered in Galway, Cervical Check support group and Brexit backstop for the entire UK – here’s your news fix.

NEED TO CATCH up? brings you a round-up of today’s news.


a f DUP leader Arlene Foster leaves the Merrion hotel in Dublin this afternoon. RollingNews / Eamonn Farrell RollingNews / Eamonn Farrell / Eamonn Farrell



original Prime Minister Theresa May leaves 10 Downing Street. Victoria Jones via PA Images Victoria Jones via PA Images


Theres-a-Subtle-Feminist-Message-in-This-New-Painting-of-Donald-Trump The Republican Club by Andy Thomas Andy Thomas Andy Thomas

During an interview today with US President Donald Trump, viewers of CBS news noticed this artwork hanging in the White House. 

The work, painted by Andy Thomas, features a smiling Trump sat around a table with former Republican presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. 

Artist Thomas told TIME magazine that he was “ecstatic” when he found out that his work hung in the White House. 

Republican congressman Darrell Issa supposedly gave the painting to Trump.

“A lot of times gifts aren’t really hung up, they’re just pushed into a closet somewhere,” said Thomas.

To find out it’s actually hanging is really a treat.

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