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evening fix

Here's What Happened Today: Thursday

Man sentenced for Seán Cox assault, Varadkar answers questions on Tribunal costs and Scouting Ireland defends itself against Tusla – It’s The Fix.

NEED TO CATCH up? brings you a round-up of today’s news.


WICKLOW FIRES II2A9741_90565338 A man stands by and watches as fire engulfs dry gorse in the West Wicklow Mountains, just beyond Hollywood Village, since the start of the week fire services and the Defence Forces have been fighting fires in the Wicklow and Dublin Mountains which have been out of control and according to reports at one stage threatened Hollywood Village. Eamonn Farrell / Eamonn Farrell / /

  • The family of Clodagh Hawe, who was murdered along with her three children in 2016, will meet with the Garda Commissioner, it was confirmed today.
  • A number of bank customers who withdrew money from Bank of Ireland ATMs in recent days were charged twice, it was announced. 
  • It was revealed that more than half of the youths accused of serious crimes who were not pursued due to failings of a garda scheme went on to reoffend afterwards. 
  • Health Minister Simon Harris said he had appointed thirteen members of the Counsellors and Psychotherapists Registration Board.
  • It was confirmed that the second major national study on sexual violence in Ireland will take up to five years to complete.
  • Murder accused Patrick Quirke told gardaí he was afraid of Mary Lowry and described his ex-lover as “vicious” and “verbally abusive”, the Central Criminal Court heard.
  • An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar told the Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach, that costs of the Moriarity, Cregan and Cook tribunals will overrun by millions.
  • A man in 20s died after his motorbike was involved in a crash with a truck in Co Kilkenny this morning. 
  • Scouting Ireland questioned what evidence Tusla has for suggesting that the viability of overnight trips should be considered due to child protection concerns.
  • A man was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison for assaulting Irishman Seán Cox in Liverpool last year.
  • Leo Varadkar said that it was “scandalous” that some government agents got the estimated cost for the National Children’s Hospital “so wrong”.
  • Residents in a number of areas of south Dublin said there were protesting against National Transport Authority (NTA) plans to create a bus corridor which locals claim will destroy communities. 


Trump and Kim Summit Meeting in Vietnam US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un greet prior to a bilateral meeting at the Sofitel Legend Metropole hotel. Shealah Craighead via ZUMA Wire Shealah Craighead via ZUMA Wire

#SUMMIT: A nuclear summit between North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump ended without agreement, according to the White House.

#PAKISTAN: Pakistan said it will release a captured Indian pilot in a “peace gesture”.


This time last year, Ireland was knee-deep in snow as the Beast from the East kicked off in earnest. A Status Red Warning was in effect and the blizzard was in full force. 

Have a read of‘s timeline of the storm and a look at this video to remember what it was like. / YouTube

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