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Sam Boal/
Prime Numbers

How many eFlow customers were charged twice for last month? It's the week in numbers

Plus The number of ministerial advisers whose pay breaches the maximum salary for their roles.

EVERY WEEK, offers a selection of statistics and numerical nuggets to help you digest the week that has just passed.

4: The number of additional weeks of unpaid parental leave that will be offered to parents of children aged 12 and under from September.

28 months: The jail sentence handed down to the man who pulled off the mummified head of an 800-year-old ‘Crusader’ from a crypt in St Michan’s Church, Dublin. 

1.8km: The length of the new walking and cycling greenway in north Dublin which will link Baldoyle and Portmarnock. 

€367,338: The money spent by President Michael D Higgins on his re-election campaign in 2018. 

2: The number of sets of triplets that were born in a Co Down hospital over the course of 24 hours.

37,176: The number of dog licences issued by Cork County Council last year, more than any other local authority. 

400: The number of warning shots fired by South Korean fighter jets at a Russian military plane that violated airspace claimed by both Seoul and Tokyo.

2,672: The number of eFlow customers who were charged twice for last month’s bill due to a system processing error.

5,200: The number of Volvo cars in Ireland recalled after an investigation discovered a faulty engine component which could cause a fire in certain models. 

56%: The increase in the number of complaints received by the Commission for Aviation Regulation about Irish airports last year. 

47,255: The number of children who are waiting to see a specialist paediatrician for an outpatient appointment in the three hospitals of Children’s Health Ireland, according to new figures.

7: The number of ministerial advisers whose pay breaches the maximum salary for their roles, according to new figures published this week.

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