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News Fix

Here's What Happened Today: Thursday

Here’s what made the headlines today.

NEED TO CATCH up? brings you a round up of today’s news.


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summer-weather-aug-13th-2020 A group of rowers on the River Thames in London PA Images PA Images

#HOTTING UP: A study by the American Meteorological Society showed that the last decade was the hottest on Earth since the mid-1800s.

#AGREEMENT: The United Arab Emirates and Israel announced they would establish diplomatic ties in a bid to stop planned annexation of occupied land sought by Palestinians for their future state.

#AUCKLAND: The number of new cases in New Zealand’s biggest city rose to 17 as officials warned more infections in the country were inevitable.


It’s been a long year full of headlines which, it’s safe to say, hasn’t been the most upbeat.

So when news broke today that two young paddle boarders who went missing off the coats of Galway last night had turned up safe and well, the country rejoiced at something positive for a change.

RTÉ’s report from Galway captured the joy of locals earlier today. In the difficult times we’re in, it’s truly a thing to behold. You can watch it here.

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