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# Department of Justice

This month
July 2024
Nationals of South Africa and Botswana will now need a visa to travel to Ireland
Last month
June 2024
Senator on helping woman who was likely overdosing: 'No one wanted to help, it was really horrible'
Government seeks tenders for charter flights to deport people from State
This year
Means-testing asylum seekers aims to ensure system is fair, says McEntee
Debunked: Police at Newtownmountkennedy clashes were Gardaí, not PSNI officers
Dept. of Justice collected €71m in fees from migrant registration cards in 2023
Cabinet approves emergency legislation to enable return of asylum seekers to UK
Government to increase sentences for crimes involving knives
Sharp increase in prosecutions and prison terms for asylum seekers arriving without passports
Review into sex work law to be published later this year, four years after initial deadline
Still no sign of review into sex work law - over three years after it was due to be published
FactFind: What is a ‘safe country of origin’ and how many asylum seekers come from one?
Children's Ombudsman pulls out of Government's domestic violence strategy over lack of funding
New arrivals 'not required' to remain in State accommodation
New statutory agency dedicated to tackling domestic violence established from today
Last year
'Truly horrific': Correspondence to Justice Minister called for her to resign after Dublin riots
'Sex aids' being imported to Ireland in 1992 had officials abuzz with questions
Ireland considered making 21 age of consent for gay people when decriminalising homosexuality
One 1993 document noted that moving from “criminalisation to equality might be too major a change at one go”.
The age of consent for heterosexual intercourse at the time was, and still is, 17 years old
21 was described as "probably the age most acceptable to those who do not want decriminalisation but recognise that there is no choice"
However, if 21 was chosen, "there would be an attempt to portray this country as backward", officials warned
‘A long way from normal’: Families say visits to prison still restricted post-pandemic
Some children only get to see their parent in-person once a month and experts are concerned that video calls are replacing visits.
Investigation by Noteworthy finds the number of children visiting prison is 75% of what it was in 2019
Less than a third of prisoners received in-person visits on weeks where data was provided in 2023
Mother-of-two: “I want my kids to know who their father is”
Tougher laws to manage and monitor sex offenders comes into effect today
Human trafficking victims to be protected from deportation under new plans
Stalking is now a standalone offence and is punishable by up to 10 years in prison
Irish citizenship application made available online for first time
'Nowhere to go': How the housing crisis is lethal for domestic violence victims
Judge orders Department of Justice official to attend court in child abuse image case
Senior gardaí to meet with Oireachtas officials today to discuss security review
Statutory agency dedicated to tackling domestic violence to begin operating in January
Debunked: Fake government letter used to spread rumour of Ukrainians being extradited to fight
TDs call for expanded legal aid for domestic violence after judge warns 'working poor' lose out
McEntee: Extra gardaí in Dublin will not involve 'people with tasers on the side of the street'
Weekly reviews of areas 'prone to anti-social behaviour' to take place under new crime action plan
Criminal legal aid can be withdrawn or cut from applicants under new oversight structures
Government extends suspension of visa-free travel for people with refugee status
Explainer: Barristers are set to protest at courthouses over pay, what are they looking for?
Rise in sex trafficking victims seeking help in Ireland as State is failing on key reforms
Overseas nurses who quit jobs to work in Irish hospitals losing offers over permit delays
Irish officials to review 'safe countries of origin' designation on 8 nations within next year
Harris says family concerns will be 'considered' in domestic violence report recommendations
Significant recommendation to make children's voices a 'priority' in family justice system
Over 400 approvals issued to Afghan refugees through Government's Admission Programme