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# Economic and Social Research Institute

This month
July 2024
Hospitalisations and deaths linked to hot weather are set to increase due to climate change
Covid infection rates were more than a third higher in deprived areas
Future housing demand dependant on migration levels, new report says
This year
Households in Ireland are bigger than those in other European countries on average
A third of Irish teens go to single-sex schools - but new research shows they don't want to
Ireland's nursing home sector 'under threat of failure' amid post-pandemic challenges - report
Fourteen private operators control 40% of nursing home beds, the study found.
One in five small, private nursing homes have closed for good, since the pandemic.
Private patients receive 55% less subsidy funding compared to patients in the public sector.
Models of care are being wiped out and the sector is under threat, according to one sector representative.
Last year
Highest number of asylum applications filed on record last year
Irish GDP set to contract for the first time in over a decade, ESRI says
Means-tested extra child benefit payment could lift 40,000 children out of poverty
Ireland's poorest households saw their income dip even further during the pandemic
People in disadvantaged areas experienced greater employment disruption during Covid pandemic
All time
Report finds number of households in energy poverty now at highest recorded rate
Covid-19 pandemic means hard Brexit 'could impact Irish economy even worse than feared'
Almost half of people don't know calling GP to discuss Covid-19 symptoms is free, ESRI finds
Students want overhaul of Leaving Cert course to avoid 'immense pressures' and rote learning
Students 'pressured' by new Leaving Cert grade scheme as number sitting higher level exams rises
'It will deepen the crisis': Government warned of 'little or no scope' for tax cuts
Living near a green space may not have any impact on obesity
People living in areas of high radon exposure at higher risk of lung cancer
ESRI forecasts strong growth in economy ... but Brexit will hamper some sectors
C-section rates are on the rise in Ireland - but age is a considerable risk factor, says study
Britain leaving the EU could cost Ireland €3 billion a year
Better childcare over tax cuts? Will the government listen to this advice?
Growing up in Ireland: The recession made kids more badly-behaved
Your electricity bills are going to get more expensive in a couple of years
It's true...Ireland IS affected by housing market changes more than other countries
Irish Water compared to HSE as expert says €2bn wasted on overstaffing
Irish consumers in 'notably more positive mood' last month
Irish attitudes to immigrants have become ‘more negative’ over last 7 years
ESRI predicts economic growth and fall in unemployment in 2013
Top execs pension contributions 36 times more than other staff
ESRI report on economy is 'a waste of paper'
Think-tank says Irish economy is 'bouncing along the bottom'
If demand to buy houses rises, shortage in cities could see price surge - ESRI
Suggestions of government interference in ESRI paper withdrawal 'unfounded'
ESRI paper which said many would be better off on dole withdrawn
ESRI report says just 3 per cent better off on dole than in jobs
New bailout deal will reduce debt quicker than expected - ESRI
Government should cut €4 billion in December budget, says ESRI