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# Health Committee

This year
HSE will not review care for people with Long Covid until new evidence emerges
Long Covid: 'The public, the government and the HSE do not understand the scale of this issue'
Long Covid Advocacy Ireland will call for the Government to review how people with the condition are cared for at the Oireachtas Health Committee today.
Last year
Long-awaited review into cardiac care still sitting on minister's desk, committee to be told
'Very traumatised' refugees not getting mental health support, experts warn
Safe access zone law could be 'made a mockery of' if gardaí can't log warnings, TDs say
Some doctors 'actively obstruct' women from getting abortions, committee hears
Lack of regulation in mental health sector 'wouldn't happen in any other walk of life'
TDs praise officials for ensuring HSE wasn't 'falling over' after Bank Holiday weekend
Taoiseach suggests Dáil vote for PBP abortion bill could speed up legal changes
People Before Profit bill calling for wider access to abortion passes Dáil second stage
'Enormous burden': Labour call for removal of wait period for abortion care
High demand for ambulances in Dublin outstripping capacity of fire service, TDs to hear
Nursing home charges: Legal strategy was 'never challenged' by politicians, says top civil servant
At least 10 assaults on Irish hospital staff each day, committee to be told
All time
National Children's Hospital will cost more than €1.43 billion by 2024 completion date
Dáil committee hears women with vaginal mesh complications were told pain was 'in their minds'
'You lost the run of yourself': Robert Watt grilled by TDs over Holohan secondment to Trinity
‘Threat of criminal sanctions’ hangs over medical abortion providers, committee hears
Dr Tony Holohan rules out return as Chief Medical Officer after his new role in Trinity College
Nurses and midwives reporting exhaustion due to huge patient numbers, INMO to tell committee
Deferrals caused by Covid will increase hospital waiting lists this year, says Health Sec Gen
Ireland's Covid position improving but global risk remains high, CMO tells Oireachtas Committee
Over 1,600 GPs need to be hired before 2028 as concern grows over shortage
Three years into new abortion laws, Stephen Donnelly says 'ease of access' has not been achieved
People asked not to contact Digital Covid Cert helpline unless travelling within next 10 days
Four maternity units not allowing partners attend emergency pregnancy cases
Stephen Donnelly: 'Large majority of 85s and over' will have received first Covid vaccine dose by Sunday
Issues over review of smear slides were ignored, says CervicalCheck campaigner Lorraine Walsh
Dentists say HPV vaccine is a 'no brainer' as cases of head, neck and mouth cancer on the rise
'It's so badly needed': Harris defends development of children's hospital despite rising costs
No one held accountable as children's hospital board says it would do the same again despite cost overruns
Harris says abortion legislation doesn't mention the word 'abortion' for legal reasons
TDs want women seeking abortions to be offered ultrasound imaging and heartbeat recording
Nine TDs want law to ensure aborted foetuses are buried or cremated
CervicalCheck: Report author says it's 'likely' that more women are affected
TDs considering change of plan for proposed three-day wait period for abortions
Cervical Check scandal: Acting HSE boss says sorry for 'confusion and alarm'
Bill to legalise medicinal cannabis shouldn't be passed - health committee
Young midlands woman 'would not be dead' if local drug treatment was available
'Medicinal cannabis could be made free of charge'