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# Polling

This month
July 2024
Latest poll suggests Sinn Féin has dropped to third most popular party among voters
Peter Flanagan in the UK: 'People are ready to say goodbye to the Tories this time'
Peter Flanagan
Last month
June 2024
Elections 2024: General election polls are poor predictors of local elections – here’s why
Stefan Müller
This year
Independents remain most popular, while Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil overtake Sinn Féin in latest poll
However, Sinn Féin remains the most popular party among younger voters ahead of the European elections.
Fine Gael is now the most popular political party among those polled, but Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin are close behind
Around 23% of people intend to vote for independent candidates in the European elections next Friday
Support for Sinn Féin drops, narrowing lead on Fine Gael in pre-election polling
Opinion: Allowing prisoners to vote is a symbolic indication that they remain citizens
Dr Cormac Behan
We asked what the nation thinks about Eurovision - here's what we found
Support for Fianna Fáil slumps to two-year low as Independents make gains
Taoiseach says investigation needed into alleged vote blocking of black Irish person in referendum
Irish public support Ukraine joining the EU, but don't want to see membership fast-tracked
Polling also found a fifth of the public believe the EU’s response to the war in Ukraine to be “very bad”.
The Journal/Ireland Thinks poll found 72% of Irish citizens support Ukraine joining the EU.
The same poll found that 39% of Ireland are not in favour of Ukraine getting its application to join fast tracked.
This comes as accession talks began in December and additional war-time relief funding was just approved.
What parties will 18-34-year-olds vote for in the EU elections? And why?
Last year
McDonald on Sinn Féin's recent drop in opinion polls: 'We always need to assess performance'
Tories braced for tough night as polls close in England’s local elections
All time
Nearly nine in ten back Ireland's EU membership, but support for joint defence less certain
France prepares for first round of tight Macron re-election bid
Support for Fine Gael continues to fall in latest polling
More than half of people in Ireland think less of Britain since Brexit
74% of young car owners plan to cut down on trips or switch to electric, poll finds
Ireland split on whether to build a nuclear power station for clean energy
Majority of us have made personal changes for the climate, but not as many are confident it's enough
Column: Lessons from Dublin Bay South
Kevin Cunningham
Vast majority of people have received a scam call from an Irish number in the past month
Larry Donnelly: It's down to the wire in Dublin Bay South
Larry Donnelly
69% of people believe past governments are to blame for the current housing crises
Opinion: The pollster controversy should alert us to possible issues with political campaigning online
Ethan Shattock
'As far as we know' Labour members did not engage in fake polling, says Ó Ríordain
Explainer: Why has a controversy blown up around political party members posing as pollsters?
Taoiseach said he does not know if law broken by Fianna Fáil members posing as canvassers
New poll shows most office workers want to work from home 2 to 3 days per week post-pandemic
Poll: Should Ireland stick with Saturday voting for general elections?
How do people get those jobs at polling stations (and how much do they pay)?
Poll: Are you happy the General Election is being held on a Saturday?
Hong Kong voters wait in hundred metre-long queues to cast their ballot in elections
Amid talk of a snap general election last year, some Independent TDs were spending thousands on polling
Donald Trump trailing five Democrats in latest opinion poll
Gsoc launches public interest probe into voter registration irregularities in Kerry
At least 30 killed in suicide blast on Pakistan polling station
Atheist Ireland calls for bibles to be removed from referendum polling stations
Fine Gael's lead in the polls over Fianna Fáil is down - but people are pretty happy with Leo
How Germany's complex electoral system could cause problems for Angela Merkel