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# Suicide

All time founder on bullying: "It is not about the site"
Funeral of teenager Erin Gallagher taking place
Widow calls for mental health changes to protect children
Column: Our children need lessons in how to behave online
Ian Power
Suicide prevention charity tells teens to seek help after Erin tragedy
TD raises questions over money ring-fenced for mental health
New campaign calls for setting up of suicide prevention authority
VIDEO: Chinese fireman stops man's suicide... by kicking him
Demand for counselling services increase in Tallaght as recession bites
53 people seeking asylum have died in State care
Survey: Majority of TDs believe funds for community mental health services should be 'ringfenced'
Almost four-fifths of transgender people have considered suicide – survey
Suicide charity chief calls for new independent national authority
Read Me: An open letter to my own depression
Garry Williams
Cycle for suicide awareness will go from Westport to Dublin... and back
Coroner calls for greater advertising of suicide helplines in pubs
Major report explores reasons behind male suicide
Kate Fitzgerald's father pleads for information about the death of his daughter
Pieta House to open suicide crisis centre in Galway
Column: ‘Even the word itself, suicide, can be difficult to speak’
Derek Chambers
20 per cent think people with mental health problems are 'of below average intelligence'
Free group support to be offered on World Suicide Prevention Day
New theory to identify people in danger from suicide
Irish suicide prevention charity to expand services to UK
Top Gun director Tony Scott dies
Samaritans volunteer on cusp of completing 24:7 bike challenge
One teen under age of 17 dies by suicide each month
Sitdown Sunday: 7 deadly reads
Michael Freeman
Titans' prospect O.J. Murdock found dead of apparent suicide
Report highlights link between suicide rates and economic downturn
Column: Suicide isn’t wanting to die. It’s not being able to bear living.
Dan Neville
Poll: Should Ireland introduce an opt-in filter for online pornography?
Suicide in Ireland increased by 7 per cent last year
Around 900,000 people take their own life every year
Former Romanian Prime Minister shoots and wounds himself
Nick Leeson: Young man's tragedy is part of national illness of suicide
Nick Leeson
Sharp increase in suicide rate is linked to recession - experts