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UK PM Rishi Sunak got soaked while announcing a July election today. Alamy Stock Photo
News Fix

Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday

Here’s what made the headlines today.

NEED TO CATCH up? The Journal brings you a round-up of today’s news.


Europa League 00033_90705797 Mounted gardaí look on as fans make their way to the Europa League final at the Aviva Stadium. Sasko Lazarov Sasko Lazarov


prime-minister-rishi-sunak-issues-a-statement-outside-10-downing-street-london-after-calling-a-general-election-for-july-4-picture-date-wednesday-may-22-2024 Rishi Sunak got soaked announcing the election outside 10 Downing Street in London today. Alamy Stock Photo Alamy Stock Photo

#DOWNING STREET Rishi Sunak announced there will be a general election in the UK this July in a move that came as a surprise to many.

#HASHTAG: This is how the Israeli media reacted to Ireland and Norway recognising the State of Palestine.

#BANGKOK Twenty people were in a critical condition at a Bangkok hospital after a London-Singapore flight was forced to land there yesterday.

#IRAN Tens of thousands of people gathered to mourn Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash this week.

#NEW CALEDONIA New Zealand and Australia evacuated their citizens from New Caledonia amid ongoing unrest.


THE MAYOR OF South Dublin, Alan Edge, has launched a charter signed by 77 local groups today that commits to welcoming asylum seekers.

The charter reads:

  • “We, in South Dublin, welcome refugees and those seeking international protection, just as Irish migrants have been welcomed the world over for centuries.
  • “We support them becoming valued members of our communities and we recognise their contribution to our civic life.
  • “We will do our best to help them flourish, prosper and thrive.
  • “We recognise that it is legal to seek asylum, an issue of basic human rights and of human dignity.
  • “We will take a stand against false and misleading information that people seeking asylum are a security issue or a threat.
  • “We commit to helping those seeking international protection to live in peace and safety.
  • “We pledge to treat others the way we want to be treated.
  • “We recognise that migration to Ireland is a net positive in economic and societal terms.
  • “We will strive to ensure better living conditions, in terms of housing and healthcare, for everybody, wherever they happen to have been born.”

Mayor Edge, who spoke to The Journal earlier this month, said: “It is important in the context of discussions about immigration policy and resources that we don’t lose sight of the fact that these are people we are talking about, often very vulnerable people.

“The right to seek international protection is fundamental. We all have it. It’s really a question of human dignity. The Irish people understand migration, it is in our DNA.

“The Charter is a recognition of that and a commitment to treat others as we would wish to be treated, with humanity, dignity and fairness.”

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